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A strategy pool-building game where you create powerful combos and travel back in time to hunt for alien relics.


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About the game

In the distant future greed rules the world. Several mega-corporations fight each other for supremacy and wealth. And you are one of the participants in this race. Gain the lost artifacts and technologies from the past using the power of time capsules, that were found on a planet abandoned by an ancient civilization. But beware ― greed may lead you to tear the very fabric of space-time, putting in danger yourself and, possibly, all humanity

Time Capsules is a pool-building game where you can use different objects and resources to devise your strategy. Get victory points for the artifacts you bring to the present and their powers in order to win this futuristic race!

Futuristic artwork and eye-catching design
A well-integrated time travel theme
Exciting components: textured time capsules, alien artifacts, computers and bio-objects and so much more!
A great combo of pool- and bag-building mechanics: use time capsules to create powerful combinations of different items
A best-seller in Japan: the half of the first edition was sold as pre-orders

Game teaser



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